About us

Prozac Pizza. A UK mental health blog

I’m Olivia*, a 30-something wife, mother, daughter, employee and unwitting cat owner.

Prozac Pizza is where I write about spinning plates whilst trying to make the dysfunctional, functional.

Alex and I both have mental health issues (Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder for me, we’re still waiting for a formal diagnosis for Alex), aging parents, a feisty six year old and a cat who thinks he is ours. He’s not but he sticks around for pieces of chicken.

I also talk openly about Alex’s addiction issues, my recovering addict issues and how we’re trying to move on. It’s not always an easy read but one thing I believe in is being open and talking things through.


*all names have been changed to protect the innocent, the guilty and the slightly mischievous. Plus, you know, trolls are a thing. In all seriousness though, the only thing that has been changed here are our names, everything else you read is our life in all of its glorious dysfunctionality. I choose to write about us under a pseudonym so that we can continue our lives without wondering if people read Prozac Pizza and what they’re thinking.

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